Welcome to the Smart Mobility Center (SMC)
Let's get straight to the point. What is smart mobility? Learn more by looking through a series of windows into the world of smart mobility with a solution and service focus, click on any window for more information. Check out our Research page for current initiatives, our Why? page for importance and our Knowledge page for current information.
Supporting a two-way dialogue with travelers
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Electronic payment for tolls, transit and services
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Minimizing stops, delays, emissions, and fuel consumption
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Moving goods efficiently and effectively
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Data to information to insight to action
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Increasing safety using automation for speed and red light compliance
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Better travel decision making by proving timely and complete travel choice information and single trip reservation services
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
The power behind the services
Applying experience and knowhow across multiple implementation experiences
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
Mathematical modeling, simulation and digital twin
sponsored by Bob McQueen and Associates
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118 Route D'amélie, 66400 Reynès, France
+33 0673083443 or use our global switch if you prefer: +1 641 324 7839